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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Your mood when you wake up!

When you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought? For some it may be, "Do I really have to get out of bed?" for others "What a beautiful day!" What most people don't realize is their attitude when they wake up affects how they go throughout their day. Its not some scientific fact I looked up or anything, I have just noticed that if I wake up and am grumpy then the rest of my day I feel groggy and not very motivated. Days when I wake up and feel fresh and alert are usually days I get to sleep in, but on those days I am much happier. Even the night before can affect how you wake up. As in the Bible it states to not let the sun go down on your anger, there is a reason for that. If you let the sun go down on your anger you go to sleep angry and upset at a certain situation making your next day hard and not as positive as it could be! So I challenge you to go to bed with a smile on your face knowing that the next day is a brand new day full of surprises and you never know what joy the next day could bring!!

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